The Kids All Ride
May is here and the next RAD RACE is coming pretty soon. The first one was a blast and a great event in Berlin.
The next one will take place on 31st of May 2014 at a very special location in the Hamburg Harbour – the Brandshof. This race is called “Street Hunt” and each and every lap around a 950 m course counts.

The more laps you can win, the more points you score!
There will also be a After Race Party, to celebrate this event and all riders.
No matter if you ride a fixed gear, a road bike or what ever, this is going to be really interesting and a great weekend in Hamburg.

To make sure that you will come to Hamburg, we decided to give away 2 special Wildcard Packages for you!
Your chance to save your spot on the starter list and a nice package of AURORA and RAD RACE gear on top!

To enter this Wildcard raffle you just have to do the following steps:

1. Like AURORA and RAD RACE on Facebook, if you haven’t already

2. Share THIS blog post on facebook.

3. Leave a comment with your T-Shirt size and your preferred bike for the “Street Hunt” below this blog post.

The raffle is open until thursday the 8th of May 23:59 (GMT).
I will randomly choose a winner with and contact the lucky ones via eMail, so please don’t forget to leave your eMail address.

The prizes are:

1. Wildcard for the RAD RACE Street Hunt in Hamburg + RR Bidon + RR Shirt + AURORA Shirt + RR x Aurora Cap
2. Wildcard for the RAD RACE Street Hunt in Hamburg + RR Bidon + RR Shirt + RR x Aurora Cap
3. AURORA “Rad Races” Shirt + RR x AURORA Cap

That’s it.
Good luck!

Sebastian & the Rad Race Crew

Rad Race Bidon

RAD-RACE - Street Hunt