Summer vacation?

Woei x ASICS GEL LYTE III “Cervidae” release The Good Will Out - Cologne
hope you are doing well, just want to drop some lines for you to keep you up to date.
The small celebration raffle for AURORAs 1000th facebook like was a success and I found 3 lucky winners. Thanks for all who joined the raffle.

Today and yesterday I visited The Good Will Out sneaker store in cologne, it’s probably the best in Germany. It was kind of a camp out for the Asics Gel Lyte III x WOEI “Cervidae”. Pretty awesome sneaker. Really nice craftmanship and detailing on this one. Check these pictures on SneakerBobs Blog.
I met some really nice people around the store and besides some rain and stuff, it was great.
One of them also got a small label, it’s called Starship Clothing, check it out!
Woei x ASICS GEL LYTE III “Cervidae” release The Good Will Out - Cologne

Another thing I would like to share with you are my plans to visit Paris for some days around the 07. july to 11. july. I’m meeting up with Joey Dodd from Australia, you might know him from one of my favorite shirts: AURORA “The Chase” black / “The Chase” white.
Really curious about this awesome city and of course about meeting him. If you are from Paris maybe drop a line and maybe we can meet up aswell for a ride or a beer.

After this I really would like to make short trip to London. Never been there, but really want to take the chance and get there in july/august. So if you are from London and have some space to sleep for 3-4 days, it would be really awesome.

Kind of a pretty personal posting this time, but I hope you don’t mind. There are news on new gear aswell. The cut&sew Zippers and Pants are arriving in the next days and also the new 5 Panel Colorway is in production. I hope to release these pieces along with some more stuff around August/September.
Besides this, i’m prototyping on a large Messenger Bag and also a new Velcro Strap version – the V3.
Not sure when these products will be released, but you will notice. Promised!

Thanks a lot for your time.


AURORA for good people.
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The 1000th like on facebook!

I just want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for supporting AURORA and buying the gear I produce. Really much appreciated. It’s always great to see AURORA gear in action and meet a lot new people through this project.
There are lot’s of products in the making and I hope you will like the upcoming releases. Stay tuned for the first Cut&Sew items dropping this summer. AURORA Hooded Zipper, Chino Pants, Shirts, Caps and much more.
So to make it short, I hope you have fun with the AURORA products
and that you will go along with me on future AURORA adventures…

To celebrate the 1000th like on the AURORA facebook page I would love to start a small raffle
and give something back to three of you.

To enter this raffle you just have to:
1. like AURORA on facebook,
2. leave a comment on my posting,
3. share this post on facebook
4. and invite your friends to like the AURORA page.

With all this done, you are in the game for one 60€ voucher, one 40€ voucher and a Snapback OR Shirt of your choice. I will announce and contact 3 winners on sunday the 24th of june.

Disclaimer: The winners will be chosen with the help of The voucher can be used for your next purchase at the AURORA webshop, just contact me after your purchase and I will convert it. No pay out!

Mianzi Rei from Berlin

Mianzi Rei from Berlin
Riding Fixed Gear, living a vegan lifestyle and many tattoos.
That’s Model Mianzi Rei from Berlin.
After a car accident she was involved in with her old bike some years ago, she had nothing to ride and a good friend gave her a fixed gear bike. She learnt to ride fixed and now can’t live without it. Thanks to Oliver Playford, who took these awesome pictures, we get a momentary glimpse of her unique style.

Not to mention that she is rocking AURORA V1 Velcro Straps. Good looks.

AURORA for good people.

Thanks Mianzi and Oliver for sharing.


Mianzi Rei from BerlinMianzi Rei from Berlin
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AURORA @ Fahrradschau Bicycle Fair 2012 in Berlin

AURORA @ Fahrradschau Berlin 2012
Finally I had the time to check out the pictures I took at last weekends Fahrradschau in Berlin. Besides brands like Schindelhauer, Goldsprint, Naturrad, 8bar and many more, I had the chance to share a booth with the good people at Force Effect. It was a great weekend and I met a lot great people. Check out some impressions.


AURORA @ Fahrradschau Berlin 2012
AURORA @ Fahrradschau Berlin 2012
AURORA @ Fahrradschau Berlin 2012
AURORA @ Fahrradschau Berlin 2012
AURORA @ Fahrradschau Berlin 2012

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The Good Will Out in Cologne.

Visited The Good Will Out in Cologne some weeks ago for the Norse Project x Pro Keds x Sneaker Freaker release party. Sneakerb0b got some nice shots here.
The Good Will Out is always worth a visit, but the parties even more so. Normally they carry clothing, accessoires and the newest top-tier sneaker releases and much more to stock or to rock (or both). They definitely know what they are doing. And when it comes to party you always can expect a lot of beers, Jägermeister, Relentless and stuff for free. Check out this neat video of this afternoon.

Thanks to The Good Will Out. See you next time.


Here we go 2012!

Producing AURORA V1 Velcro Straps
We are still alive alive alive alive alive….!
After several weeks full of trouble and too much work, we are back on track now. A new flat, workspace/workflow new arranged and finally time to put the focus back on AURORA. It might be a bit late, but we hope you had a good start in 2012. This year is going to be great and we are really curious about what will happen. Some new releases are in the making right now and we will put them online as soon as possible. Besides this we are producing all our handmade goods on stock from now on. We want to minimize the waiting time for you in the future and provide you with a better shopping experience.

Not much talk about not-AURORA-related topics here, but maybe we should change this also for 2012. So let me introduce Perrion from NYC to you. He got his new mixtape “Circuit Breaker” out and you should really give it a listen. It’s on heavy rotation in our studio. Download it for free here and check out this song:

There are some nice events (Berlin Bicycle Fair and Pankt Saulopoly Hamburg Ciddy Alleycat/Polo Tournament) coming up pretty soon and we hope to see some of you guys there.

Don’t forget to like AURORA on facebook.

Thanks for your attention, patience and support!


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